All in Homeschool

Spirit vibes

What is it like to be led by the Holy Spirit? Are you asking the Spirit to lead you in parenting or in school? In this post, I am trying to shed some light on the importance of relying on the power of the Holy Spirit.

Words of life: a family staple

You know those rare people you meet or come in contact with that have an incredible story and are so filled with grace and unshakable peace that you just cling to the words that come out of their mouth? Almost always, those very people leave an impression on you for a lifetime.

Families stick together

We were barely a couple months in to our second homeschool year and I found myself crying on the bathroom floor trying to figure out how I would have the stamina and heart to continue to teach my children...

Homeschooling with little ones

The first few years of homeschooling with littles running around is not easy. Every day will require work, tears, laughter and abundant grace. I am typing these words maybe for the sheer fact that I need to hear them, but I hope to encourage you through them as well.